Friday, June 11, 2010

The Kno: Tablet Meets Textbook

Another iPad/Kindle killer? Hopefully this is isn't just a concept video - like Microsoft's Courier.

The Kno:

The Kno is a multi-dimensional two-screen tablet that could lighten your bag -- and change the face of textbooks.

According to Tablet PC Review, the Kno was designed specifically for students and may be able to do for them what the Kindle, Nook and iPad have not. It has been in development for a year.

Its student-geared features include a durable clamshell design, a "smooth and effortless" writing stylus that lets you highlight and annotate text and the ability to display a full textbook at once, eliminating the need for scrolling.

Kno Movie from Kno, Inc. on Vimeo.

Here's a student testimonial.

Reaction Video M2 from Kno, Inc. on Vimeo.


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